
One Percent Better with Dr Amantha Imber

How to make your next meeting not suck

Earlier this year, I interviewed Professor Steven Rogelberg, the world’s leading expert on meetings, on How I Work.

Our chat was so popular that I invited Steven back for round two (subscribe to How I Work if you want to hear it - the episode will be coming out in a couple of weeks).

Today, I want to share some nuggets that have stuck with me, and will hopefully make your meetings suck a whole lot less.

1. One of the best predictors of the mood of a meeting is the mood of the leader running the meeting.

As a leader in a remote-first company, I think about this one So Much. For my team, the only "live" contact I have with many of them is in a couple of Monday all-team meetings. When I was CEO of Inventium for the first half of this year, I always reminded myself to bring enthusiasm and energy to these meetings, even when I wasn’t feeling it (which was more times than I like to admit, as it was a rough few months). I did sometimes question whether this was the best approach (aren’t we meant to bring our whole selves to work and be authentic and all that?). But after hearing Steven's advice, it reassured me that I made the decision that was in the best interests of my team.

2. The best meeting facilitators see themselves as a shepherd of other peoples’ time.

Meeting runners: If you haven’t given a single thought to squeezing the best out of everyone in the room (virtual or not), you’re basically being a time-thief. And let’s face it, nobody likes a thief (some even go to jail...).

The best meeting leaders see themselves as shepherds of other people’s time. And they’re not herding sheep; they’re herding ideas, discussions, and decisions. So next time you’re at the helm, channel your inner shepherd and guide that flock to better pastures.

3. Standing meetings generally take half as much time, but yield the same quality of decisions.

Want to cut your meeting time in half without sacrificing quality? Standing meetings are the secret sauce to efficiency. Steven told me that research shows they typically take half the time yet deliver the same quality when it comes to decision-making.

So the next time someone suggests a sit-down meeting, consider responding with “Stand up, buttercup!” (or something less naff - your call). Your calendar will thank you, even if your legs do not.

Bonus Tip: Bring doughnuts

Serving food predicts meeting satisfaction. That’s right, the key to people’s hearts (and positive meeting reviews) is through their stomachs. Steven explained: it’s not so much about the food, but the respect you are giving to people and their time by bringing some treats. (It’s also not a bad thing for increasing energy levels).

So there you have it. Four simple tricks to transform your meetings from horrible time-sucks to somewhat bearable (or dare I say, enjoyable?) experiences. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in the world of meetings. Who knows? You might even start to like them.

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One Percent Better with Dr Amantha Imber

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